AI powered test automation gives B2B services a competitive advantage, empowering them to deliver high-quality software faster, more efficiently, and at significantly reduced costs. Trained with data, these AI testing tools can quickly identify issues in software development and provide data-driven insights and solutions to help businesses increase their productivity. 

Are you a B2B or SaaS company seeking to leverage AI’s software testing capabilities for more efficient software development life cycles? This post discusses the best platforms for performing AI test automation.

Summaries, unique features, and the pricing for each tool are all provided in this article so you can quickly determine the most ideal AI-based automation testing tool for your company. Read on to discover your fit!

What Are AI Test Automation Tools?

AI test automation tools are applications designed to expedite the software testing process in any product development project. These tools are trained with vast data, enabling them to identify issues and make intelligent decisions that can affect the overall quality of software deployment.

When software developers write codes for product development, they may make mistakes during the process, leaving bugs and other issues that can affect the performance. Besides, software developers may lack the experience to thoroughly test software and ensure it’s satisfying for the end user.

Learn More: Why Developers Shouldn’t Test Their Own Code

With AI based automation testing tools, companies can leverage artificial intelligence to perform all kinds of software testing, including usability testing, performance testing, API testing, security testing, regression testing, visual testing, and more. Alongside expert contributions from humans, AI powered testing can help companies produce top-quality software. 

Why Do B2B Software Teams Need AI Powered Test Automation?

B2B services and SaaS companies need AI-powered test automation to increase the speed and efficiency of their software development life cycles and also guarantee the quality of software deployment.

The traditional testing method has many productivity drawbacks. For instance, in traditional testing, software developers have to spend several hours writing codes to develop automated testing models, which is time-consuming and can increase the time-to-market for new product releases.

Another common challenge with the traditional testing process is it’s too resource-intensive, requiring unique tools and human expertise adapted to the different testing parameters. On the contrary, one AI tool can completely eliminate the need for so many resources deployed into software testing.

Summarily, B2B services and SaaS companies should leverage AI in automation testing to reduce cost, improve software quality, free up human employees for more strategic roles, and accelerate product time-to-market.

What Are the Benefits of AI Based Automation Testing?

According to Kobiton’s State of Test Automation 2020/2021 report, 55 percent and 30 percent of companies claimed they pursued automated testing strategies because of software quality improvement and quicker time-to-market respectively. 

Using AI in automation testing is beneficial for expediting business outcomes. Some key advantages of AI in automation testing are:

1. Increased Speed and Efficiency

AI automates repetitive testing processes such as test case generation and execution, significantly reducing the time and resources needed for testing. Additionally, by automating tests and streamlining the testing process, AI helps teams deliver software faster and more efficiently and meet tighter deadlines.

2. Better Accuracy and Improved Test Coverage

AI can analyze user behavior, application functionalities, and historical data to generate a wider range of test cases compared to the traditional procedure requiring repetitive measures. This leads to more comprehensive test coverage. Also, AI can identify subtle patterns and anomalies that human testers might miss, helping to uncover critical bugs and improve overall software quality.

3. Reduced Cost

Automating repetitive tasks reduces the manual workload associated with traditional testing, leading to potential cost savings on personnel and unique testing tools. Also, most AI testing tools offer self-healing capabilities, which enable them to automatically adjust test cases, eliminating the need for constant manual updates and reducing maintenance overhead.

4. Enhanced Team Productivity

By automating routine and mundane tasks, AI frees up software quality assurance teams to focus on higher-level activities like test analysis, designing strategic test plans, and collaborating with developers. When repetition is out of the way, your QA team can enjoy a significant morale boost, enabling them to laser focus on more engaging and challenging aspects of their work.

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Top 7 Tools for AI Test Automation

  • QA.Tech – Most recommended for B2B/SaaS platform testing
  • Katalon – Recommended for agile-first teams
  • Applitools – Most recommended for visual testing
  • TestSigma – Recommended for multi-platform testing
  • Testim – Recommended for visual testing
  • Functionize – Cost-efficient testing platform
  • ACCELQ – Codeless and cloud-based test automation platform

1. is an AI-powered test automation solution for B2B and SaaS platforms. This user-friendly and intuitive solution is specially built to improve the quality of web applications and browsers for B2B and SaaS companies. allows quality assurance teams to focus on strategic activities rather than complex script writing. 

Key features

  • Continuously scans your site to generate test plans and execute them. does this by creating a comprehensive memory of your web app and identifying actions and objectives.
  • AI agents trained with clean, reliable data increase the tool’s ability to make intelligent decisions and take the right steps to achieve test objectives.
  • Tests are run in a web browser to give users the feel that they are still in control like in manual testing.
  • Real-time feedback on issues and bugs discovered during tests, detailed bug reports after tests are completed, and actionable insights from the results.
  • Powerful self-healing capabilities, enabling it to constantly adapt to changes on your site.
  • Allows users to customize how they relate to the test results. You can export to Jira, Linear, or Clickup; replay the tests, and set up instant Slack (or other messaging apps) notifications across your devices.


  • Starter: $99/month per team
  • Professional: $89/month per developer
  • Enterprise: Contact team

2. Katalon

Katalon Studio is an intuitive test automation platform designed to empower agile teams to automate their testing processes. The platform is a simple all-in-one platform that even entry-level developers can understand.

Key Features

  • User-friendly interface with built-in keywords, enabling users to create and manage test cases without extensive coding knowledge.
  • Multi-platform testing across web applications, mobile apps (native and hybrid), APIs, and desktop applications – all from one dashboard.
  • Allows external data sources like CSV files or databases to feed your test cases.
  • Seamless integration with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins and Bamboo.
  • Detailed test reports after each run
  • Record-and-playback functionality to capture user actions and automatically convert them into test cases.


  • Free plan
  • Premium plan priced at $167/month (billed annually)
  • Custom plan

3. Applitools

Applitools is an advanced visual AI testing that enables teams to ensure a consistent and visually appealing user experience across web and mobile applications. More than traditional functional testing, Applitools focuses on the visual aspects that impact users’ experience.

Key Features

  • AI-powered visual tool called “Eyes” for comparing your application’s UI elements with baseline versions. These “Eyes” can also detect subtle visual differences, ensuring a flawless user experience.
  • Compares and analyzes screenshots intelligently to identify unexpected visual changes like layout shifts, misaligned elements, or broken images, even if they don’t trigger functional errors.
  • Multi-platform compatibility.
  • Integrates seamlessly with other popular development and testing tools like Selenium
  • Detailed reports highlighting visual differences and potential usability issues.


  • Free trial available
  • Contact the team for more information on pricing.

4. TestSigma

Testsigma is an AI-enabled unified testing platform for testers of varying experience levels to automate tests for web apps, mobile apps, and APIs. This platform allows users to generate test cases and execute them without the need for complex scripting.

Key Features

  • Create and maintain test cases in plain English statements, making it easy for testers with any coding background to contribute.
  • Perform multiplatform tests all in one place.
  • Built-in keywords and a user-friendly interface that allows you to automate tests without extensive scripting knowledge.
  • Integrates with external data sources like CSV files and databases and CI/CD pipelines. 
  • Visual validation features such as screenshot comparison and element verification.


Two tiers of pricing:

  • Pro (Contact team for more information)
  • Enterprise (Contact team for more information)

5. is a codeless, AI-powered visual testing solution built to empower businesses with web and mobile application testing automation.  Their focus is on streamlining the process, allowing testers to create and execute tests without needing to write complex scripts.

Key Features

  • User-friendly recorder to capture user interactions and automatically convert them into automated tests.
  • AI-based analysis of user journeys and application behavior to intelligently and automatically identify optimal test steps and refine existing tests for better coverage.
  • AI-powered visual checkpoints to detect visual discrepancies and ensure your application looks flawless across different browsers and devices.
  • Self-healing 
  • Seamless integration with external data as well as popular development and testing tools like Jira, Slack, and CI/CD pipelines. 
  • Facilitates easy collaboration between testers and developers


  • Mobile plans (Contact team for more information)
  • Web plans (Contact team for more information)
  • Community Plan

6. Functionize is a low-code AI-powered test automation platform for enterprises to accelerate testing cycles and reduce costs. This platform leverages AI and machine learning to streamline the testing process, boost efficiency and productivity, and ensure high-quality software releases.

Key Features

  • Self-healing capability, enabling it to adjust to changes in a software development life cycle.
  • Supports testing across web browsers and other devices and emulators for a seamless user experience across different platforms.
  • Leverages big data analytics to identify potential bottlenecks and areas for improvement within your testing process. 
  • Seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines and popular testing tools.
  • Facilitates communication between testers, developers, and product teams, allowing them to share test results, report bugs, and track progress within a centralized platform.


  • Free trial available
  • Contact the team to get a quote


ACCELQ is an AI-driven, cloud-based codeless test automation platform for streamlining testing across web, mobile, and API applications. This platform focuses on enabling collaboration, automation, and increased efficiency for QA teams.

Key Features

  • Empowers testers to create and maintain automated tests without extensive scripting knowledge using a simple, user-friendly interface and built-in functionalities.
  • Automates testing across web applications, mobile apps (native and hybrid), and APIs.
  • Integrates seamlessly with popular development and project management tools like Jira, Azure DevOps, Jenkins, and Bamboo. Also integrates with CI/CD pipelines
  • Automates test planning and traceability with requirements, and also centralizes test asset management.
  • Enables communication and collaboration within QA teams.


Free trial for 

  • Web testing
  • Mobile testing
  • API testing
  • Manual testing

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Wrapping Up

In our tech-driven world today, businesses that will succeed are those that can leverage technological advancements to improve the speed and quality of their services to customers. In software testing, AI-enabled automation can help you achieve faster and more accurate testing, resulting in high-quality products.

Do you run a B2B service or SaaS platform and are seeking a testing solution to improve the efficiency and quality of your software development projects? We recommend our intuitive QA platform. Our company helps B2B and SaaS companies to achieve faster software deployment without compromising on quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can AI Replace Automation Testing?

AI is not a direct replacement for automation testing. On the contrary, AI enhances automation testing by making intelligent decisions and giving useful insights to improve the overall quality of a software product.

2. Can AI Replace Software Programmers?

AI can’t replace software developers; instead, it will help boost their productivity and efficiency by eliminating mundane tasks that are time-consuming and mental energy-draining.