QA isn’t just a checkbox; it’s the key to good products, happy users, and overall business success. Thorough testing matters because even a tiny glitch can snowball into a bunch of (unforeseen) issues. But let’s be real, most developers aren’t keen on writing and maintaining tests – they’d rather focus on product development, where their interest truly lies.

So, we decided to tackle the boring and time-consuming part of QA testing by developing an AI-based tool, that mimics a real tester. By leveraging the capabilities of generative AI, we’re set to boost developer productivity and ensure clean, bug-free applications.

AI Takes the Lead in QA Revolution

Unfortunately, traditional QA testing, while crucial, often gets a bad rap for being time-consuming and tedious. Both devs and QA testers can vouch for its repetitive and costly nature. 

Traditional methods involve extensive end-to-end (E2E) tests or manual testing, each with its unique challenges. E2E tests promise cost-efficiency but can become flaky, failing unexpectedly due to minor changes, and demanding additional engineering hours for maintenance. On the other hand, manual testing is precise but is labor-intensive and expensive.

With Millions of people worldwide working in QA, the potential impact of AI-driven testing is enormous. That’s why I’m excited to share that has secured $1 million in pre-seed funding, led by the VC firm byFounders. This investment will propel our AI-based testing tool from a concept to a full-fledged commercial product and enable us to expand our developer team.

From Tedious Testing to Innovation

With code reusability becoming the norm, we started thinking: shouldn’t we free up developers’ time and reduce errors by automating QA tests? 

Imagine performing instantaneous, automatic QA testing as a seamless part of a continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. 

Our AI-based tool will revolutionize software testing by combining the cost-efficiency of E2E tests with the precision of manual testing.’s AI-based tool functions just like a real tester, meticulously scrutinizing web pages for possible issues – from search bars to shopping carts, cookie banners, and logins. Users can effortlessly track the tester’s actions, follow step-by-step test execution, review debug data, and consider suggested actions.

From Funding to the Future of Testing

With AI leading the way, we look forward to a future where QA becomes not only more efficient but also more effective, and accessible to all. Ultimately it will boost developers’ productivity while rigorously testing their code. The AI-based tool will be offered as a SaaS subscription and has already piqued the interest of potential customers. Thanks to this successful funding round, we will be able to launch the beta program in November 2023.’s founding team members know the QA testing struggle inside out. My background as CTO at Memmo and Billogram and as Head of Product & Engineering at Dooer has given me firsthand insights into the benefits and pains of QA. My colleague Patrick Lef, with experience at various companies, including Videofy, Collabs, Besedo, and Hamsterpaj, brings a wealth of expertise to the table. In addition, Marcus Carloni, a serial founder, brings valuable expertise in commercial acumen to our team.

Our investors, including Mikael Johnsson, Oxx’s co-founder, and Vigor Sörman, founder of Splay, have shown their confidence in our vision. We are proud to have Petter Nyman, former CTO at Sambla, and Vilhelm von Ehrenheim, Head of EQT Motherbrain, as active advisors. Together with David Hallvig, VP of Data Science at Billogram, they form an impressive advisory team.

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