Testing applications is a big-time stealer for developers, something Swedish startup QA.tech wants to change with its AI-based tool. The company has raised $1 million in a pre-seed funding round led by VC firm byFounders.

QA (Quality Assurance) testing is repetitive and costly, but a necessary part of software development. This may involve testing basic features of a website, such as login, creating an account, and adding an item to the shopping cart. In many cases, this work is done manually and it’s not unusual for companies to employ one QA tester for every third developer. In many cases, developers themselves test their code, a task often seen as plain boring.

“All other trends in development lean towards reusing code, so why should you have to write tests from scratch? It’s a very time- and resource-consuming process, and errors often occur due to the human factor. By automating QA tests, we free up time that allows the developer to focus on writing code, not testing it,” said Daniel Mauno Pettersson, CEO and one of the founders of QA.tech, who himself has extensive experience in application testing.

Daniel Mauno Pettersson was previously the CTO at Memmo and Billogram and Head of Product at Dooer. He founded the company with Patrick Lef, who has a product background at Memmo, Collabs, and Videofy, and Marcus Carloni, founder of Flowbox and Smart Media.

The AI-based tester developed by QA.tech is designed to act like a real tester to find potential issues on a web page. The tool can test features such as search, shopping cart, cookie banners, and login. The user can see which prompt the tool is using, step-by-step test execution, debug data, and suggested actions.

“Generative AI is a rapidly growing field that will largely replace human, intelligent work,” said Daniel Mauno Pettersson. “Code written with the help of AI can make a developer significantly more productive, but at the same time, it means more code to test. This is where our tool comes in, by helping developers build more robust, bug-free applications.”

The company has just raised $1 million in a pre-seed funding round led by byFounders to further develop the tool into a commercial product. The funding will support, among other things, the expansion of the developer team. Other investors include Mikael Johnsson (co-founder of investment company Oxx and former partner at Amadeus Capital), Vigor Sörman (founder of Splay), Petter Nyman (former CTO at Sambla), and Vilhelm von Ehrenheim, AI expert at EQT Motherbrain. The latter is also an active advisor to QA.tech with David Hallvig, VP of Data Science at Billogram.

“We are proud to back this team and are excited about the problem they are solving. Millions of hours of tedious work can be saved while increasing the quality of all software we interact with,” said Magnus Hambleton, an investor at byFounders.

The tool will be offered as a SaaS subscription. QA.tech already has hundreds of customers using the tool.