Imagine a world where hyper-intelligent AI runs the show, orchestrating our every action. Sounds like the stuff of science fiction, right? AI is making significant strides in revolutionizing the tech industry, but will AI-powered QA testing render human testers obsolete?

I recently had this discussion on the Artificial Intelligence After Work (AIAW) podcast and thought I’d shed light on where we stand today and what the future holds, including whether AI-powered QA testing will indeed replace human QA testing.

Traditional QA methodologies are increasingly facing challenges. Both programmatic end-to-end tests and human testers often find themselves struggling to keep pace with the swift evolution of software iterations. Enter autonomous QA testing, like what we’re doing at By offering a dynamic, objective-based testing paradigm, AI-driven QA testing can face the complexities of today’s software landscape, reshape the future of engineering and boost efficiency across the entire team.

Evolution of QA Testing: Human-AI Collaboration

AI isn’t just introducing innovative testing methodologies; it’s fundamentally reshaping the roles and workflows of tech professionals. But does this mean we can pack up our desks and head to the beach? Not quite. Here’s the thing – AI isn’t here to replace humans. Instead, I believe, it will empower them. By leveraging AI, developers or engineers can execute tasks more efficiently. AI not only boosts productivity but also fosters a more dynamic and agile testing environment, which ultimately leads to higher-quality software products.

By using AI together with human knowledge, we can improve quality and productivity.

We’re also seeing changes in the workplace. Rather than the trend towards specialization that we’ve increasingly seen over the past few years, we’re likely to shift towards generalisation in roles, transcending traditional boundaries such as frontend, backend, or data engineering. QA engineers and testers will also see their roles evolve significantly.

With AI’s assistance, QA testing becomes more efficient and effective. By automating processes and streamlining workflows, AI-driven QA testing liberates human testers, empowering them to tackle new challenges, focus on higher-level problem-solving and devise innovative solutions, rather than being bogged down by mundane and repetitive testing.

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Prioritizing the ‘Hacker Mindset’

It’s hard to predict the trajectory AI will take in the coming years, but one thing is certain: engineering expertise will remain crucial. While AI streamlines processes and enhances efficiency, it’s imperative not to overlook the indispensable role of human ingenuity. In fact, the integration of AI into QA testing underscores the importance of nurturing a ‘hacker mindset’ among engineering professionals, characterized by curiosity, experimentation, and a will to dive head-first into challenges. That is why, rather than solely focusing on a CV, we value mindset above all else.

Overall, as AI-powered QA testing changes the way we develop software, it’s important to remember the value of human expertise. AI is a powerful tool, but it works best alongside humans, not instead of them. By using AI together with human knowledge, we can improve quality and productivity. At, we’re leading the way in using AI to shape a better future for engineering. AI in combination with human teamwork, will allow us to tackle the challenges ahead and make software products even better.

About the Author

Vilhelm von Ehrenheim serves as the Co-founder and Chief AI Officer at With extensive experience in the AI landscape, he previously held the position of Head of Motherbrain Intelligence at EQT, one of the leading private equity firms.